Image hunt

In the first picture, we can see the repetition and grids.

In second picture, we can also see grids which are different objects. They are not similar but their shapes and general views are grid.

Ornament & Crime; Adolf Loos

ADOLF LOOS ; who was the most effective European Architecture in 20 th century. His thinking about the art from his book, “ornament” is a type of knowledge that we reflect from our own thinkings. Ornament could be in politics, culturs, humanbody, art etc. In a conclusion, ornament could differentiate and change the feelings or sight of a personal ideas. When Loos said that ornament is  crime, he wanted to consider human to general seen to the aesthetic form of that. He also discuss if the ornament is beautiful, Ornament does not judge people with their choices.

Loos considers in his book; on the ornament didn’t producing new ornament depressed people. What is saying that ornament in earlier ages thrown away without a though and abondone d to destruction. It means that people did not change the criteria or characteristic of an ornamental idea or ornamental thoughts. He thinks that every age had a unique style with refusing the before styles of the ages’. He thought that it is more than producing a new ornament. It is not only that people refusing the style. It is mostly, people outgrown ornament. It means that it is incapable; unskillfuly produce the new ornaments. He expressed that “Adornment is squandered labor and in this manner squandered wellbeing. It has dependably been this way. In any case, today it likewise implies squandered material, and both mean squandered capital. As decoration is never again naturally identified with our way of life, it is additionally no longer the declaration of our way of life. The decoration that is delivered today bears no connection to us, or to some other human or the world on the loose. It has no potential for advancement” which clearyly gives us a feeling about his musings.

When everything taken into consideration; ornament could be set by eras need and new ornaments produced by people imagination to people feelings. If not, ornament used like a crime.
