Pre-Jury and Critics on Term Project

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We have some critics on how to evaluate our design. Thanks to Onur Özkoç critics, we decided that we should revise the relationship between common and private spaces after his critics. In general, he was talking on our problems which are corridors of kindergarden, air and sun condition of kindergarden, enterence of supermass, serving spaces and corridors of supermass, plans of basketball stadium which includes dressing room and toilettes. These problem should be solved after the serving spaces and circulation band decided. Onur Özkoç said that, you should handle the problem with intersecting articulated masses to supermass in relation.

Case Study, Education & Culture

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We study on some cases which includes our problem definition and analysis of Cebeci,

Bergama Cultural Centre / Emre Arolat Architecture Izmir/TURKEY

In this case study, we focused on transportation problem of the Cebeci, which related in Bergama Cultural centre, the architect aimed the importancy of transportation in site with circulation. Also, because of its cultural expectancy, he designed the area as a Museum however, it includes shops, culturla halls, public spaces and etc. We thought, it is a potential of integrating public, common and prviate spaces as a hole with spatial relations.

Paris Metro Station / Kengo Kuma Saint-Dennis Pleyel/FRANCE

There was 22 competition to enlarge Grand Paris Express, and This Project was a winner of Saint-Dennis Pleyel (means Saint-Dennis metro). This project seems interesting because of its movement with topography and circulation between spaces. When we analyzed this project, Kuma design public and common areas which includes shops, station, information centre and etc. All this spaces are connected to ramps which he aimed that he connect the seperation between two districts and design neighborhood centre. Also, refer to our problem solution and site analyses, we aimed that transportation of district is already a problem and we thought this case is 100 percent helps us.

Çanakkale Municipality “Green” Cultural Center & Municipality Building Competition Entry / Onat Öktem and Ziya Imren Çanakkale/TURKEY

We study on Ziya Imren (which is our lecturer) and Onat Oktem Architects’ project in Çanakkale. This project aimed that continuous of green in Çanakkale district, assisting with maintain green in site with green roof project. We have chance to ask Ziya Imren to what if we think this project on our site with quoting and integrating roof systems in our project. He thought it is a good start with thinking continuous of green but we should talk again after our masses and structures are defined well.

Cebeci, districts and project terrain

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In this term, our project site located in Cebeci/Ankara, near Ankara University Cebeci Campus. Our lecturer expected from us that we should observe site before going site, then we are expected to observe site and study on site analysis, district analyses and we thought that all should include our experience. We decided that our problem definition and solution should be reference to our analyses and we started with the problems of the district, then site has some problems which is slope of the site, however, all these problems should have benefits on our site and our design strategy.

Problem Definition from Site Analysis


”For architectural problems, the content is usually called “the program” (“the brief” in UK) and the context has names “the site”, “the field”, etc. Try to break down the task given to you to important and specific aspects (aspects that will help differentiate the way that you define the task from the others’ definitions) that relate to the content and the context of the architectural task. Try to understand how the facts surrounding the problem relate to each other, how they relate to the objectives of the project and how they can be re-structured in suggestive ways, eventually to evolve into being design decisions.” -From Assignment 3.2 Description

Actually when we had this assignment at studio, we read it and observed our critics. So this is the revised, updated version of our problem definition;

***When we observe the history and todays conditions of the district, we see that Cebeci has a ‘Temporality’ issue both about human profile and the structures. This issue causes this district not to compose sustainable developments especially that reflect and protect its’ own important characteristics and traditions and most importantly effects the interactions between any citizen.***

For us, Cebeci’s most distinctive importance is its location and the interaction it brings along. Since past, Cebeci carries such advantages because of it and was known as a ‘station point’ related to its special location between old city and ‘yenişehir’. Also it includes important transportation systems that effects its human profile directly in certain time periods.

Starting within the improvements and changes in the New Turkish Republic, at first Cebeci had an upper class profile because of the educational and social structuring. There were political events and even discriminations between different groups. These political issues that occurred in the past (starting with the 1980s military coup) created some conflicts and disintegrations between students and citizens. Slowly the activities that everyone participated back then (such as the event called ‘Inek Bayramı’ that Ankara University developed in 1982 or ‘Cebeci Çayırı’s usage as a forum) started to demolish. And with the later purposals for city, upper classes started to move to the west.

Mülkiye, which today became Ankara University, continuously effected the neighbourhood fabric with the existence of its institutions. Students, academicians and residents started to became the characteristic human profile of Cebeci. ‘Fakülteler Mahallesi’ they called there. So, after a while the student profile and civil servants, Cebeci became to have a more dynamic profile.

With schools attracting students to come here and on the contrary, people who live accommodate started to prefer new settlements in Ankara. As a result, student profile became more fundamental. In our research( Towards a Neighbourhood Monograph: Looking to Cabeci) it is mentioned that, specifically about the situation is “transit” and “stopover destination” areas and their effects on losing the neighborhoods’ tradition.

Students have limited time to live in Cebeci, so as we observe, education is a reason to gather people together but it doesn’t actually. So people don’t feel themselves belong to Cebeci because either they don’t stay there for a long time or they don’t have reasons to feel so. The limited time for dwelling prevents settled district orders and aspects. Also there are no such gathering and socializing places where citizens interact. Changeable profiles and inhabitants gave damage to tradition of the neighborhood around the town. In case, interaction between natives of old Cebeci and migrants of Cebeci (whose students, civil servants etc.) was broken. We generally observe and feel the needs of Cebeci as listed below.